Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You have stolen my heart....

OK!! BIG NEWS!!! one step further in my life of fashion! Which if you have not picked up on it already.... I really have no idea what I'm doing! but that's half the fun of it right! Who needs to take the steering wheel, when Gods an excellent driver? He knows the best destination for me so I'm willing to enjoy the ride!
So lets re-cap....
Scored job in retail: David Jones... check!
Scored a job in retail related to fashion and styling: Sportsgirl!... check!
AND NOW! .......
Scored myself a trainee ship with Clarissa Grace Bridal. I get to sew!!!!
If you haven't checked out their stuff you must!
I shall be learning how to craft beautiful, delicate, dresses and get to play with satins, silks and laces all day!!! Dream come true!
I have had the pleasure of trying on one of these beautiful beings! That's right! these are not regular dresses they are alive and thriving with beauty and grace!
If a mere work experience girl can turn up to Clarissa Grace half asleep, with obviously no skill in the quick 5 minute dash of getting out of bed (to the unreliability of her alarm) to heading out the door without anyone the wiser of the mornings standing in a silk, satin dress with hand crafted /beaded flowers and feathers and feel like the beautifulest girl on the planet. I have to believe that these dresses are out of this world.
So yes I must confess I have spent most part of this day dancing round the house!
Dreams coming true one step at a time!!!