Monday, December 6, 2010


So i have been busy again... creating, dreaming, designing all in the name of love!!! I like to think while i sit there hand sewing theses delicate beings that i am like cupid. i would like to think that my efforts are not in vein, that some how they are a minute piece of the puzzle that allows people to have their happy ever after!!! yep yep yep!!!
It's my favourite kind of creativity. This little beaded works of art were all experiments for hair flowers for my friend for her wedding!! This is the result...

Ever thine ever mine ever ours!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

femme fatale, belle epoque

Femme fatale , belle epoque, a gorgeous dyed and embroided silk couture gown. Designed and crafted by one of the Emaly love girls herself!
Emma Jackson.
Inspired by the artist Gustav Klimt, whose gorgeous colours, patterns and textures have been so cleverly translated so intricately into her design. Would u believe that this garment was made from purely white fabrics? They have been dyed printed, hand painted, embroided, and beaded. This garments speaks of elegance beauty and a heavenly sense of femininity.
Love love love

Monday, November 1, 2010

.The little white dress.

This blog entry I give credit to the beauty of the little white dress! Most people would believe that the little black dress is the most essential piece to start any girls wardrobe,.... Yet this summer I would have to disagree !

The little white dress is a must have piece for every girl! So simple and so easy to wear it can go from the beach with a pair of cute sandles and sling bag to a night out, on the town with a pair of fabulous heals and some red lipstick for a bit of fun! Don't even get me started on accessorizing these beauties ,with the most neutral of colours you can do anything you dream from edgy drama to romantic glamour the options are endless. They are so gorgeous on any girl and speak directly of sweetness and femininity ... This summer i know i will be searching the stores for some fun, flirty white, dress silhouettes looking for big skirts, love heart necklines, puffed sleeves and empire waistlines or anything that takes my fancy the more interesting the better ! I shall also, definitely celebrate vintage laces, frills, drapery and embellishments whilst on the hunt for these simple yet elegant outfits!
How could you not fall in love?....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


You summon the rain and it falls from the heavens, You call on the wind and it rushes down over me, You allow the sun to burn and it radiates light. You awaken the day and you bring the night. You speak my name you desire my heart.
how can I not be moved?


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

She hopes she dreams...

For a life overpowered with His love...
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
-Pslam 19:14

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You have stolen my heart....

OK!! BIG NEWS!!! one step further in my life of fashion! Which if you have not picked up on it already.... I really have no idea what I'm doing! but that's half the fun of it right! Who needs to take the steering wheel, when Gods an excellent driver? He knows the best destination for me so I'm willing to enjoy the ride!
So lets re-cap....
Scored job in retail: David Jones... check!
Scored a job in retail related to fashion and styling: Sportsgirl!... check!
AND NOW! .......
Scored myself a trainee ship with Clarissa Grace Bridal. I get to sew!!!!
If you haven't checked out their stuff you must!
I shall be learning how to craft beautiful, delicate, dresses and get to play with satins, silks and laces all day!!! Dream come true!
I have had the pleasure of trying on one of these beautiful beings! That's right! these are not regular dresses they are alive and thriving with beauty and grace!
If a mere work experience girl can turn up to Clarissa Grace half asleep, with obviously no skill in the quick 5 minute dash of getting out of bed (to the unreliability of her alarm) to heading out the door without anyone the wiser of the mornings standing in a silk, satin dress with hand crafted /beaded flowers and feathers and feel like the beautifulest girl on the planet. I have to believe that these dresses are out of this world.
So yes I must confess I have spent most part of this day dancing round the house!
Dreams coming true one step at a time!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wear my heart on my...

So I had a good 5 hrs today to think about this blog, it was the slowest day at work, at my new job at sportsgirl! yep thats right if You have not heard! I hit up the big time graduating from David Jones hosiery to more resposinsiblities with in the fashion/retail sector and although I really love and always will love Sportsgirl, todays shift was the longest 5 hrs of my life!
Luckily I did not have to occupy myself with repacking hosiery (so long my delicately opaque friends), rather I was permitted to play with accessories: bangles bracelets, rings and earings!
There are some key pieces in sportsgirl this very moment if you dont mind me giving them a plug! Sportsgirl is bomhemian sheike, with a range of colourful leather strapping, plated chains, coins and symbolic pendants which look gorgous with the new maxis we have instore!
Not your cup of tea?
We also have (of course my favourite) Romantic vintage pieces heart pendants, pearls, lockets and vintage keys to go with floral dresses and crochet vest and lace tops love love love!!!

Anyways this accessories ecstasy that i was experiencing and yes im finally getting to the point is that i love bangles! Yep!Yep!Yep!
This new discovery has made me realise that i have negelected these precious pieces for many many years. The last time I ever got this excited about bangles was when I was 6 years old travelling up the coast on our annual holiday I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up I had a range of those indian inspired thin colourful bangles around my arm!My parents doing? I think not! It was Magic! Many years later their value has dwindled. They are one of the the first pieces I have chosen to dismiss in my outfits as an attempt to keep my outfit costs low!

But I have come to realise that these pieces are crucial to complimenting any outfit ! There is so much you can do with bangles and bracelets and im going to tell you the secret hidden with in these ordamental pieces!

The statement bangle/ bangles:
The amount of bangles that are acceptable to wear seems outrageous to me. It all seems to be about the clash and the more we can carry on our skinny wrists the better! The more colour pattern and textures the better! Such a statement can reveal ones creative, fun and flirty side.

The overstated bangle:
The size of some bandles today they seem to take up the entire arm. these beauties can dress up a plain one colour outfit and could be a key piece in directing ones eyes to the matchig pair of gorgeous statement shoes!
The minimal Bangle:
Maybe it s a pieces of leather strapping with a symbolic charm that takes your fancy and is symbolic to the memory/ special event shared between your closers friends? Maybe its a simple silver bangle given to you for your 21st or from your boy to remind you are loved!

The charm bracelet:
Of course we all love trinkets and keepsakes which remind you of the important people/times in you life why not wear them on your wrist!

Whatever takes your fancy, I encourage you to love these little darlings, take a new approach to your wardrobe mix it up and start with the accessories firsts have fun with them!