Friday, April 30, 2010


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sewing threads for love.

Emaly L.O.V.E

Some amazing opportunities i have had to contribute beauty to the amazing day of love shared between two.
Bridesmaid dresses: starting at $250 each not including materials
Wedding dress: starting at $1000 not including materials

They might say hi and i might say hey!

Good morning! off for coffee with some of the most beautiful friends in the world and possibly an op shop! what a grand combination:) I actually did a barista course the other day, which i reccommend to everyone! It was so much fun, my appreciation for coffee has been set to a new standard, the coffee trick they do by pouring the milk in to make it look like a heart or feather tricky stuff!! But i shall practice and hopefully be as good as the experts someday!
I hope to report back on my opshopping ventures! hopefully i shall find new vintage treasures whilst sipping a beautiful caffe latte and laughing with friends. I am in search for some great pieces that need a Lil help getting their feet of the ground. The dresses that no one buys cause they are a bit bland, or the silhouette is a bit mums your aunty. I shall chop and crop, sparkle and glitter, frill and pleat them till they are completely made over and scream Fabulous!!!!
So say hey tell me what you like and dont like and start bidding and i shall get cracking on the new helpless treasures stored away in my studio!xoxo

Monday, April 26, 2010


Amazing vintage finds and creations SELLING NOW!!!!!
Find link here!

I see beauty when others see trash ON SALE SOON!!

I love to Op-shop, to cut sew and bead ugly outfits and make beautiful pieces here are some garments i have made and shall be putting up on Ebay and selling within the next few days i shall keep you posted!! xx

Saturday, April 24, 2010

stories and colours in my head

I had a dream about the girl you know that lives in the haunted forest with the dead trees and black crows well she told me she loves wearing purple suits!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our dreams have wings....

So i must admit that I have been completely rude in not also introducing my other half, my twin sister; Emma. She is after all; the beauty brains and wit behind this whole operation! Following in her big sisters footsteps she is also an aspiring fashion designer in her first year of her diploma. You will be hearing about her inspirations, dreams and visions for the future as well. Together we hope to conquer the fashion world. Creativity has been our calling since we were young. Here is photographic evidence....

1950's A midnight Romance

Photography: Cassie Wright
Designer: Myself Kelly Jackson
Model: Myself
Inspiration: 1950's love

Thought it might be a smart idea to prove to you all i are not frauds i did go into fashion hibernation for two years where I spoke fashion... " fabulous fabulous", I slept fashion....Dark rings and glazed over sleep deprived eyes, was the ultimate fashion must for all fashion students "We are fabulous darling we make everything work!", I ate fashion.. Now i know why so many people in the fashion industry are so skinny they are too busy to eat! AND WORST OF ALL i wore fashion! actually that the bonus!

This creation is my final piece at fashion school inspired by bead glitter and sequins 1950's romance movies.
You know the idea where the girls with finger curls stands on the balcony with her white gloves and gown that glitters in the moonlight her lover grabs her by the waist and looks lovingly into her eyes....
Confession.... I am hopeless romantic and although a lot of people like to tell my fairy tales don't exist i choose to live in one even if it starts and ends with my clothes. I once bought a dress with big red roses all over it just because it reminded me of all things love and it made me smile whats more fairytale than that i lived happily and stylishly ever after!

Fabulous gloves xoxo

Summer LOVEn

I know that people have been known to say that it's rude to talk about the weather as a topic of conversation. It must look like i don't have an awful lot of social etiquette or like I don't have much to say being my first real blog and all. First impressions stick right?? What people don't know is that summer and I are in love, we have spent every day we can together at the beach, in the the park and with our friends, he is my inspiration and he will never leave me even in mid April...... OK he might be getting a little clingy! But I hope your feeling the love....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So I am a recent fashion graduate who has cocooned into.... no! not a beautiful, fabulous butterfly but a struggling fashion designer and no it ain't a pretty sight. Nearly 6 months out of fashion school and now trying to fly into the big scary world of style and flare. I guess this is my attempt to keep busy, to not loose hope on my ventures, a way of documenting the ups and down of the experience and the inspirations I come across, the creations I make and any thoughts that come to mind during the process. As well my first attempt to boost a label, or maybe inspire people in their own attempts to be creative and celebrate all things beautiful, Lets see if it leads me anywhere.....