Tuesday, April 27, 2010

They might say hi and i might say hey!

Good morning! off for coffee with some of the most beautiful friends in the world and possibly an op shop! what a grand combination:) I actually did a barista course the other day, which i reccommend to everyone! It was so much fun, my appreciation for coffee has been set to a new standard, the coffee trick they do by pouring the milk in to make it look like a heart or feather tricky stuff!! But i shall practice and hopefully be as good as the experts someday!
I hope to report back on my opshopping ventures! hopefully i shall find new vintage treasures whilst sipping a beautiful caffe latte and laughing with friends. I am in search for some great pieces that need a Lil help getting their feet of the ground. The dresses that no one buys cause they are a bit bland, or the silhouette is a bit mums your aunty. I shall chop and crop, sparkle and glitter, frill and pleat them till they are completely made over and scream Fabulous!!!!
So say hey tell me what you like and dont like and start bidding and i shall get cracking on the new helpless treasures stored away in my studio!xoxo

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