Sunday, June 27, 2010

She smelled of daisies...

Experiencing a desire to just get away from this place... Maybe its my obsession with Angus and Julia Stones new song 'Big Jet Plane' which seems to compliment my mood perfectly.... or maybe Im just over the hour train trips to work, as of late the whole idea of trains just seem to frustrate me. Being trapped in a moving vehicle on a day to day basis with no control over the destination headed which is usually traveling to my ill fated doom of the retail world.
Guess the hour travel is good for one day dream! As of late i find myself thinking about road trips with friends and travelling wherever the road leads or to go on some sort of adventure...Maybe finding destinations that take my breath away, like the image above.
Im not a photographer but the idea of venturing to find these beautiful places pleases me! I just want to collect them all up and store them away in a little box of treasures.
Alas a few 100 shifts in DJs will be my fortune till i can afford to collect such natural beauties as these!!
Maybe a walk by the beach shall calm my traveling heart for the moment!

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